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Timath Travel Europe, abbreviated as Timath Travel, is a subsidiary or a part of the parent company called Timath International (www.timath-international.com) based in Amsterdam, Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Operating for many years since 2013 as a professional travel organizer,
Timath Travel is proud to build an experienced, dynamic and professional partner network spreading across Europe and Vietnam.

Timath Travel is a pioneer travel company offering new and innovative travel forms and programs that emphases on high quality of services, best value price, efficiency and reputation to serve travelers’ various purposes and requirements. 

Timath Travel you certainly have your best choice!

With its experience and reputation in the travel and tourism industry, its sustainable relationships with partners around the world, as well as its dynamics and professionalism in the services, Timath Travel always strives to bring its customers unique and most valuable experiences in travel. 

Grasping the cutting edge development in the tourism industry that combines Meetings, Incentive (team building, special training activities), Conference (seminars, workshop), and Exhibition/ Events, Timath Travel has constantly researched to learn, combine and build M.I.C.E. tourism products in order to meet the travelers’ versatile needs.  

Timath Travel has a solid foundation and superior advantages for the sustainable development of tourism in general and M.I.C.E. tourism in particular.

Timath Travel always strives to maintain its position as a leading Vietnamese travel company in the Netherlands and Europe in terms of cultural aspect, scale, quality, know-how and reputation.  

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Timath Travel is recognised by the Best Service - the Best Quality - the Best Price for your Best Choice.

Thuyen Tran MBA, founder

He is a high-tech expert, a business professional and entrepreneur with many years of experiences in different cultures, disciplines, and business environments at a high level management in several countries. He is also a senior consultant about cultures for business people and government officials in the Netherlands, Germany and Vietnam.

Previously employed by the Electrical Company in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and later by Micro-Electronics in Germany and many giant IT multinationals such as Lucent Technologies (former AT&T), KPMG, HP (Hewlett Packard), Tele 2, and Ricoh in the Netherlands, he has had opportunities to travel around the world on numerous business and/or personal trips. This, in turn, has enriched his knowledge and experiences in cultures and formed his passion and dedication to the travel and tourism. 

Timath Travel (www.timath-travel.nl) was established later on along with Timath International (www.timath-international.com) in 2012, a consulting services provider, primarily specializes in cooperation between the Netherlands, the EU and Vietnam. 

He has gained Degrees
  • Bachelor of Electrical Engineering at Hanoi University of Technologies & Sciences, Vietnam
  • Bachelor of Information Technologies at Rotterdam University of Professional Education, the Netherlands 
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) at The Hague University, the Netherlands

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